
In the Fullness of Time: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Acts and Paul is unavailable, but you can change that!

An Exegetical Study of the Book of Acts and Pauline Theology. Christians meticulously research the apostle Paul, but often skip a crucial starting point: the foundations of his deeply nuanced theology. Some studies on the book of Acts attempt to touch on every major theme in Paul’s letters, making them difficult to understand or prone to leaving out important nuances. Christians need a biblical,...

by the terseness of a more literal translation: “For the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” The two occurrences of “not yet” are categorical: no glorification of Jesus, no Spirit. This absoluteness, to head off a misunderstanding, is not to be understood as if John is denying the obvious, as if he means that prior to Christ’s glorification the Spirit was not present and active in the creation or not at work among God’s old covenant people and in Jesus’s earthly ministry. Rather,
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